Now, the Melrose Trading Post where I got the gems we speak of today has kind of morphed into a Hipster Heaven. Its super annoying because they kinda ruined it. Years ago I could go in there and get stuff for WAY cheaper. It’s WAY expensive now, unfortunately. This flea market is a great one but kind of sceney now and super Hollywood. (good for celeb sitings actually.) I saw SincerelyJules (famous fashion blogger) and was totes star struck!
Moving on…..RHINESTONES! I spotted this little beauty at a small booth. The lady totally reeled me in because as I briskly and aggressively walked over to the table. She saw the sparkle in my eyes upon my approach like a lioness stalking an antelope (sorta). She knew what I was gunnin’ for…and milked it. She sold me with one line….”Ohhh a young woman was just eyeing that. She said she would be right back.” Now, MORAL dilemma here…. I felt totally guilty and torn that someone else wanted it and I was about to crush said stranger’s Sunday Funday BUT MOVE YOUR FEET LOSE YOUR SEAT!!!! Once again, MINE all MINE. I was quickly cured of the guilt when I placed this beauty on my person. 10 BUCKS> I didn’t even bother talking her down.
I like to pair these little sparkly pieces of heaven with lots of other jewelry. It somehow makes it way more casual and adds a “cool” factor! LAYER! LAYER LAYER!
Make sure there are no stones missing and that the clasp works on these older items. Then, HAVE FUN with them!
SUPER cute with jeans and a t shirt….or a flowing sundress and long gold chain dipping into your cleavage (or lack thereof in my case).